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Lake Pend Oreille History

On a map, Lake Pend Oreille looks like an ear, or perhaps a question mark missing the dot. Of course, when you’re out on the water, there’s simply no way to take in the whole lake at a glance. It’s too big to discern anything but water, sky, and mountains all around you.

Lake Pend Oreille is big. How big is big? The 43-mile-long lake is nearly as long as Lake Ontario. At its greatest width, the lake is spans over six miles. And, in one respect, it outdoes all but four other lakes in the US: it’s a lot deeper.

Big Depth

When we say our lake is deep, we mean it. At almost 1,200 feet deep, few lakes in the US are deeper, including Lake Tahoe and legendary Crater Lake. The U.S. Navy didn’t choose to test submarines at Lake Pend Oreille for nothing. It is even rumored that the Navy once lost a submarine in the deep, dark waters. While submarine testing wound down following the end of World War II, the Navy continues to perform tests in Lake Pend Oreille from its Acoustic Research Detachment at Bayview.

And, like Loch Ness, our lake is also reputedly the home of a large water monster, affectionately called the Pend Oreille Paddler. In truth, local sightings of the Paddler are likely to be giant sturgeon, which historically reached lengths of 12 feet and longer. However, locals aren’t all ready to let the legend go just yet.

Big Shoreline

Paddling around Lake Pend Oreille is a fun summertime activity for many folks. However, if you wanted to paddle around every inch of the lake’s shore in a kayak, you would have to make approximately 118,539 strokes with an oar to follow the 111 miles of shoreline. If you are somewhat less ambitious – or don’t have the time for a circumnavigation – there are plenty of places where you can reach the lake by car, bike or foot, or can launch a boat. Check out the Lake Towns page, or go to the Lake Drives page.

Big Geology

Many visitors to Lake Pend Oreille are captivated by its rugged beauty. The exceptional views come courtesy of surrounding mountain ranges that, in places, seem to plunge straight down into the depths of the lake. The three major mountain ranges that surround our lake are the Selkirks to the north, the Coeur d’Alenes to the south and the Cabinets to the east.

Lake Pend Oreille lies within the Purcell Trench, a chasm in the Rocky Mountain chain that stretches several hundred miles from the Idaho Panhandle well into Canada. This steep-sided chasm was created by forces deep in Earth’s crust hundreds of millions of years ago. Over time, the narrow but long valley became the perfect home for big rivers and deep lakes.

At its south end, the stage was set for a water event of gargantuan proportions, now known as the Ice Age Floods. Thousands of years ago, the Idaho Panhandle was covered with ice. When that ice dam melted and collapsed, 10 times more water than what flows in all the rivers of the world today rushed into the opening, forming a vast glacial lake that slowly emptied. Lake Pend Oreille is a remnant of this glacial lake, but is no less spectacular than its ancestor.

Big History

There is a long history of human activity around Lake Pend Oreille. Not long after the continental ice sheet receded, native peoples hunted, fished and traded along its shores. For thousands of years indigenous tribes prospered here. Then, in September 1809, David Thompson, a North West Company fur agent and surveyor, arrived from Canada and set his eyes on this beautiful body of water, immediately recognizing its intrinsic value. Written in his later years, his memoir states, “The impression of my mind is, from the formation of the country and its climate, its extensive Meadows and fine forests, watered by countless brooks and Rills of pure water, that it will become the abode of civilized Man, whether Natives or other people.”
       Thompson initially named the lake “Kullyspel Lake” after the Kalispel Indians who lived here. Perhaps one of his voyageurs gave the lake its French name – Pend d’Oreille. Translated, it means “ear pendant,” possibly referring to jewelry worn by a Kalispel they encountered, even though it wasn’t tribal custom to wear earrings. Or maybe the name described the lake’s shape as an ear. This is the name that endured, but sadly with the spelling altered: the d’ (apostrophe) was dropped in use over the years.
       There are less than 400 Kalispel Indians now, most of whom live on the tribe’s small reservation on the Pend Oreille River in Usk, Washington, and the tribe is not officially recognized in Idaho. But the lake is very much their home ground, and well into the 1930s Sandpoint was the site of annual gatherings of Kalispel, Kootenai and other tribes who held horse races, played traditional games and kept their culture alive.
       The lake’s colorful history includes the gold rush era beginning in 1866, when the lake was used as a thoroughfare for prospectors traveling from the Columbia River to the gold fields of Helena, Montana. Steamships like the Mary Moody took miners from Buttonhook Bay north up the lake and then east up the Clark Fork River as far as the impassable Cabinet Gorge rapids until 1869 when the gold rush died down.
       The lake’s largest community, Sandpoint, was first settled in 1880 when Robert Weeks opened a general store, and the Northern Pacific (NP) surveyed the area. To learn more about the town’s fascinating railroading history, click to read this story in the Summer 1995 issue of Sandpoint Magazine. The town grew slowly from then on as a mining and timber center. Read more about the area’s logging history in “Timber Town,” published in the Summer 1994 issue of Sandpoint Magazine. Hope was once a booming railroad community with the construction of the NP line in 1882. The Chinese who worked on the railroad lived in the community until the 1920s.
       A big chapter in the lake’s history was written during World War II, when Bayview was the site of the Farragut Naval Training Station through which some 300,000 enlisted men passed. Click to read a fantastic story on the history of Farragut, “Sailors Ahoy!” published in the Summer 1996 issue of Sandpoint Magazine. There is still a naval research station in Bayview. The community was also busy early this century when mines and lime quarries flourished.
       In 1955, the Army Corps of Engineers built the Albeni Falls Dam on the Pend Oreille River, the outlet of the lake. Today, lake levels are controlled by operations of the dam. At full summertime pool, Lake Pend Oreille is at an elevation of 2,062 feet. Its maximum wintertime drawdown is 2,051 feet. A second dam exists on the east end of the lake, seven miles upstream on the Clark Fork River. The Cabinet Gorge Dam was completed in 1952 and is privately owned and operated by Avista Utilities of Spokane, Washington.
       Roads were pushed through the dark forests onto all sides of the lake by the 1950s. However, it remained difficult, if not impossible, to get to every part of the lakeshore. To this day, much of the lakeshore only is approachable by watercraft. Much of Lake Pend Oreille’s shoreline is simply too steep and rugged for a road. Highway 200 parallels the northeast side of the lake connecting Sandpoint to Hope and Clark Fork. A few roads have been punched into premium locations like Talache Landing, Garfield Bay and along the lakeshore to Bottle Bay on the west side. At the south end are the communities of Bayview and Lakeview, while the most remote outposts are on the lake’s east shore at Granite, Cedar Creek, Whiskey Rock and Kilroy Bay.
       Meantime, there’s no shortage of historical vignettes from the lake’s colorful history. Once such was a scandal surrounding the community of Midas, now Garfield Bay. Copper ore was found in this area and a town sprung up here after a mine opened in 1909. James McNicholas, a shyster who bilked Eastern investors into thinking the surrounding mountains were loaded with gold, named the town Midas. By the time folks discovered that he had simply laced the mines with some of the precious minerals, McNicholas had run off to Oregon. Other mines followed, but the town never did have a productive mine.
       These days it’s just the natural beauty of the lake itself that is the gold mine, attracting visitors from around the world to appreciate its many attractions.

Daugherty Management and DM Vacations is the premier provider of quality, luxury vacation and long term rental homes in Sandpoint, Idaho.
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Now lake enthusiasts can rent a boat or waverunner on Lake Pend Oreille. Visit their website to learn more and reserve online.